Far Shot

Far Shot
List: Ranger
Cost: 2
Prereqs: True Aim, 2 Ranger Proficiencies
Skill Type: Martial
Tagged: Yes
Purchase: Multi
Duration: Instant

Once purchased, the character may use this skill with their True Aim skill to no longer have any range limitation on their True Aim augmented attacks. So long as the character has an unobstructed line of sight to the target, the attack lands. However, the target, or someone near them, has to be able to hear the attack. This skill does not permit silent kills, the attack is loud and obvious. A marshal cannot be sent to the target with the intention of marshaling the attack. However, if a marshal is present and they hear the attack and the target did not hear it, the marshal can inform the player they were hit by the attack.

The Far Shot skill can be used with bows and crossbows only. It can be combined with any other Martial or Dexterity skill the character knows.

If the character wants to make a far shot attack they should prefix their damage with, “Far Shot…”. The character must expend one True Aim tag and one Far Shot tag each time they make a far shot.

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